6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
We are very happy that you are interested in joining us on Sunday! We are looking forward to meeting you. Below you will find helpful information about us. Please be aware that our church is very young but growing. Church is not "us" the staff and "you" the customer. We see church as a family of people labouring & sacrificing together to build the work of God together. We are mere sinners saved by grace but we will do our best as often as we can to make you comfortable and welcome. Hope to see you soon! Call or text (almost) any time
Sunday school at 10:00 AM (Sunday Morning preaching at 11:00 AM);
Sunday Night at 5:30 PM;
Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting at 6:30 PM.
After languishing for nearly a year looking for a property, the Lord has just given us our very own church building located at 455 Kilani Ave. in Wahiawa across from Zippys, very near Tamura's grocery store
We encourage everyone to bring a Bible and follow along. Feel free to ask questions. If you do not have a Bible, we will provide one on request while supplies last.
We sing hymns, pray together, have a message from the Bible, ask & answer questions. We spend time together afterwards. Our services usually last about 1 hour 15 minutes, sometimes a little longer when the preacher is really excited!
Many people come dressed in nice Hawaiian attire as if you were visiting a nice restaurant. But we would be happy for you to visit us whether you dress this way or not. We'd like to not be overly formal, but certainly modest and respectful to the Lord and his people. The idea is simple: the Lord gave us his best & so we think it befitting to give him our best. If your best is the widow's two mites, you can rest assured it will please the Lord very much! That's all that matters!
Yes, we do. It is not as perfect as we want it to be yet, but it is clean & safe. As our church grows, we want things to become as optimal as they can be. Jesus loves the little children & said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not", so don't be shy about bringing your whole family! If you have concerns, give us a call!